Things we may have difficulty explaining to "Baby It"...Your dad thinks he is Captain Christmas.

Your parents saran wrap blow up dolls in people's cars.

Your auntie Tara wears lamp shades.

Your grandma pub crawls on a 1965 Triumph.

Your mom is in a folk band.

Your mom stuffs her bra with tennis balls and shoots fake tennis team photos in Capitol Park.

Your dad is OBSESSED with the Dodgers and will make you wear a Dodger's uniform and love Chavez Ravine.

Your mom is also obsessed with something...horses.

Your dad wears fuschia wigs while coddling toy dog breeds.

Your mom religiously celebrates the birthday of her favorite liquid.

Your dad likes to wear his cake.

So does your mom...

Your dad holds the local Pogo hop championship.

In a nutshell, your parents are weird. Good luck to you with your wacky name and even wackier gene pool.