Some people love em'...some people hate em'. I was one that hated them until they became mine. Now they are all interesting to me... Sonogram photos. I have a hard time making sense of the fact that a tadpole looking tail toting amphibian is turning into a little "us" so here is the next set of Baby Clark in the womb shots. These photos were taken at exactly 3 months. Amazing that they are fully formed by that time and the rest is basically growing at an exponential rate.
I'll start with an easy one. Little one sucks it's thumb. If you can't see this one, I would see an optometrist...stat!
I call this one...darling profile atop a little Clarky belly. Isn't the resemblance uncanny?
I call this one...KMU...kick my uterus. I think the baby has legs like my mom. That's a compliment mom...We have the big 5 month fetal assessment sonogram this Wednesday so hold on to your belt loops people as a new set of these black and whites are on their way. Curb your enthusiam, would ya???